Monday, March 23, 2009

Night Dance

So my Night Dance was on friday and it was a BLAST!!! I "went" with one of my buddies Christian Garcia. I'm not actually sure what that means though... It was just kind of an everybody is askin someone so lets go type thing. But were just friends. Everyone was so pretty in their dresses and handsome in their suits. We all danced together and laughed and just had a great time. It was New York themed so there was awesome decorations! All around it was just a great time!Me and Christian.
Me and my brotherMe and my best friend Mckilee.Me and one of my best guy friends Caden. Me and my girls Ali Alex Caitlyn and Megan.
Me and a ton of friends at the end.
Me and Grace.

Me Jennie and Mckilee

Me Alex and Ali


Mckilee said...

oh you know you totally had fun "going" with christian. Dont even try to deny it!! I do have to agree with you the dance was AMAZING! and everyone there looked amazing!!!

Michele said...

I am so glad that you had so much fun Alyssa! You looked very beautiful too!

Olivia said...

funnn! I remember my formal last year, fun stuff. did you ever see that picture? Anyway, looks like tons of fun!! Miss you tonsss!

Stephens Family said...

ah, you look soooo pretty! but of course you do!