Sunday, November 16, 2008


I made the basketball team!!!!!!! Try outs were last week and I made it!! Woo hoo! Im also a team captain! Im way excited! Our first game is on the twenty fifth against west high. Also as a team we went to Boys Ranch to do the ropes courses as a team building activity. That was really fun. Except i got scared out of my mind because i had to do the leap of faith BLINDFOLDED! That is where i had to climb up a forty foot pole then jump out like seven feet and grab a trapeeze bar! It was scary! Then I was reminded of my Skycoaster experience at Lagoon because we had to do a big swing like that too. It wasn't that high though. But it was fun! So ya this season should be fun!


Natalie said...

CONGTRATS!!!! Way to go....whooooo hooo!

Michele said...

Way to go Alyssa!!!! Good job on making Captain too! I will need to come see a game some time!

Stephens Family said...

Ah, that skycoaster....we were so scared...well, you were more than me! ; ) I still have the picture on my cell phone. : ) Way to go on making the team...not that you wouldn't. You are awesome chica!

Kim Rose said...

Be sure to send us your schedule. I would love to bring the boys to a game!
Way to go!

Flynn Fam 6 said...

Yay for you! Your grrrrrreat!!!!