Monday, September 15, 2008

Stake Dance

Ok so there was a freaking awesome stake dance on saturday! Me and my friend Emily ( the blonde) got bored and decided to do our hair all cutesy! It took like three hours to curl my hair in ringletts and get it all up in the bun like that! But it was way awesome! Then me and Kotahi ( the other one) partied the whole time and had way a lot of fun!!! It was the best stake dance ive ever been to! There were a million and a half people there too! OH and it was Tylers first dance how special! I danced with him on his first dance lol it was funny! So ya we all had fun.


Michele said...

SO fun! You are too funny! Love the hair! I miss dances they were pretty fun. When you were with the right people. Luv ya!

Flynn Fam 6 said...

Adorable hair! I love it, you look great! Glad you are having so much fun these days:)

Natalie said...

So ya danced with your Bro.....pretty nice of you. Your such a sweet sister Alyssa, but not a nice niece since you NEVER comment on my blog., jk!!!

Kim Rose said...

So pretty! Glad you had fun! Love your new blog background too!