Sunday, September 7, 2008


Ok so guess what! Im on FFA!!! Future Farmers of America baby!!! I know I know im a dork! But thats ok you all still love me anyway! But any who so for FFA we got to go to the state fair on friday and it was pretty much amazing!! Me and my buddy Caden here rode like all the rides and walked around and had a BLAST!!! (No i do NOT like him EWWWW that would be gross!) We had to help little kids on a little farm thing for a little while but other than that it was fun! Then we met tonz of our highschool buddies who rode our bus home! That was crazy! There were like four people in my seat! We were like sardines!!! Then that night i went to the Lehi football game! That was pretty fun! I got to see all my highschool buddies that i miss! Lehi won if you were wondering! And then after the game i went to the dance at the highschool! That was soooooooo much fun! My friend Ali and I were the only Jr. High kids there lol but thats ok we knew everyone already so we fit right in! There were so many people there too! It was way cooler that a Jr. High dance!!! So ya i had a really fun time that day! Then on saturday i went to a perty so i guess im just livin the life huh?!!!!


Mckilee said...

haha thats a funny picture! Caden looks like a dork! sounds like you had tonz of fun! i am jealous :]r

Stephens Family said...

Why don't you like Caden?? He is pretty cute! :; )

Natalie said...

You are one busy teenager...that is good though. As long as you keep up those grades~
I sound like your mom hugh?

Flynn Fam 6 said...

Lissa sounds like fun! Are you sure you didn't sign up for FFA just to go to the fair, haha?!?! Completly something Kelsey would do!!